вторник, 11 октября 2016 г.

Egg Carton Animals

CATERPILLAR Separate 4, 5, or 6 cups from an egg carton. Using the point of a scissors, an adult should make 2 small holes at one end for the antennae. Insert pipe cleaners for the antennae. Add eyes, a mouth, and decorate. LADYBUG Separate one cup from an egg carton. Using markers or tempera paint, children can paint the egg carton cup red. Then, using black paint, color in the head, and make spots on the body. Using the point of a scissors, an adult should make 6 small holes (3 on each side) at the base of the cup (these will be for the legs. Make 2 small holes (for antennae) where the top of the head will be. Insert a black pipe cleaner into each a side hole and out the other side for the legs. Use half a pipe cleaner for the antennae. Glue on googly eyes or paint on white eyes. SPIDER Separate one cup from an egg carton. Using the point of a scissors, an adult should make 8 small holes (4 on each side) at the base of the cup. Insert a pipe cleaner into each of the holes 

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